Plantar fasciitis is an injury to connective tissue on the bottom of the foot. When the foot hits the ground it will unlock (pronate) to become mobile. This mobility allows the foot to adapt to the surface. The arch lowers under the weight of the body and the tissues are loaded. This adapting loading function must very quickly transform into an exploding function (pronate). If the foot does not supinate and unload well than the tissues on the underside of the foot will stay loaded for to long. The excessive strain that results can produce the clinical symptoms known as plantar fasciitis.
Traditional efforts to resolve the symptoms are directed at the foot, but practitioners of Applied Functional Science such as myself, also will recognize, evaluate, and treat dysfunction in other locations that are negatively impacting the functional activity.
So, the problem is not that the person’s foot pronates. That’s normal. The issue is that the person’s foot doesn’t supinate correctly to unload the foot. What can cause this? Based on the Chain Reaction of the body we know this issue goes way beyond the foot itself.
Here are some possible causes to consider and to be assessed for to help cure your Plantar fasciitis:
In the same side leg that is experiencing the pain:
• Lack of ankle joint dorsiflexion
• Tight calf group
• Weak posterior-lateral hip muscles
The cause in the opposite side leg could be:
• Lack of ankle dorsiflexion or tight calf group
• Limited hip extension
• Painful or limited great toe extension
In the upper body the cause could be:
• Loss of thoracic spine motion
• Weak abdominal muscles
• Upper trapezius fatigue/ tightness
Plantar fasciitis. It’s not just about your foot. If you can find the cause, you can create the cure. I can help. Reach out to me for more information.
Reach out to me today for a consultation:
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